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トップ 履歴 論文 講演 授業 リンク

■論文 (査読有)
  1. (with R. Kusaba), A remark on the blowing up of solutions to Nakao's problem, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 513(2022), No. 1, 126199.
  2. (with M. Ôtani), On a comparison theorem for parabolic equations with nonlinear boundary conditions, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, 11(2022), No. 1, 1165-1181.
  3. (with M. Ôtani), Bounds for global solutions of nonlinear heat equations with nonlinear boundary conditions, Lib. Math. (N.S.), 41(2021), No. 1, 1-22.
  4. (with M. Ôtani), Bounds for global solutions of a reaction diffusion system with the Robin boundary conditions, Differential Equations and Applications, 11(2019), No. 2, 227-242.
  5. (with M. Ôtani and H. Sakamoto), On some parabolic systems arising from a nuclear reactor model with nonlinear boundary conditions, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 27(2018), No. 2, 193-224.
  1. (with K. Matsushima and T. Oka) Optimal design problem with thermal radiation, submitted. (arXiv:2408.00021)
  2. (with V. Georgiev), Weighted $L^\infty$-estimates for solutions of the damped wave equation in three space dimensions and its application, in preparation.
  1. 非線形境界条件を伴う非線形熱方程式の大域解の有界性について, 第41回発展方程式若手セミナー報告集, 259-264, 2020.
  2. 非線形境界条件に支配される放物型方程式に対する比較定理とその応用について, Hokkaido University technical report series in Mathematics 176, 319-324, 2019.
  3. The uniform boundedness of global solutions for a reaction diffusion system, 第40回発展方程式若手セミナー報告集, 121-128, 2018.
  4. On some parabolic systems arising from a nuclear reactor model (Theory of Evolution Equation and Mathematical Analysis of Nonlinear Phenomena), RIMS Kokyuroku, 2090, 42-59, 2018.
  5. 原子炉モデルに起因するある反応拡散系について, 第39回発展方程式若手セミナー報告集, 125-134, 2017.
  • 卒業論文 Some elliptic system arising from nuclear reactors, 2017.
  • 修士論文 Mathematical analysis of a reaction diffusion system arising from a nuclear reactor model with nonlinear boundary conditions, 2019.
  • 博士論文 A study on the qualitative theory of solutions for some parabolic equations with nonlinear boundary conditions, 2022. (早稲田大学リポジトリ)